Monday 1 December 2008

Advent Calendars

The highly anticipated ritual of opening those little doors in the Advent Calendar as a child was definitely one of my favourite things. I suppose it was because I knew that in 24 sleeps it would be that magical day when I got lots of presents (and let’s face it – who doesn’t like presents!). I had to share this ritual with my sister Kelly. I’m sure there was more than one occasion when we bickered about whose turn it was to open the door – and of course behind the door was a little Christmas picture but more importantly – a chocolate!

And so, it is apt that on the 1st of December 2008 – I begin my blog ‘100 things that make my heart sing’ with an entry about Advent Calendars.

Now that I have children of my own – I am able to re-visit the excitement of opening those little doors. Last year, we made one for us and various members of our family out of a Christmas tree shaped series of drawers. I trawled the internet for little Christmas sayings I could write out for each day and had much fun hunting for little trinkets that would fit in each drawer. The idea was that each year we could re-fill the drawers with new trinkets and so start a small family tradition.

The month of December is a very special time for me because my daughter Kitty was born on the 22 day. She will be 4 this year and so heartily embraces the opening of those little drawers, it makes my heart sing to see her little face so filled with excitement. She knows that December means her birthday and three days later Christmas….it is a wonder that she can sleep at night with the thought of the treasures to come. The Advent calendar helps us as a family bring our focus in to the joy of living day to day, in the moment so to speak. There is so much to look forward to.

This is what is written on the little piece of paper, rolled up in the first drawer…..

1 December

And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?
Dr Seuss


  1. I too remember opening those tiny doors on our yearly advent calendars.... The cheap but magically delicious chocolates inside, counting down the days until christmas. Those are truly priceless memories.

    How blessed we are to now have our own healthy,beautiful children to share the same joy with!

    Thank you for making my little family our own advent calendar and I look forward to opening and refilling each drawer with Daniel every year.

    This too makes my heart sing.....
    ox Kell

  2. Happy 1st of December to you Kell - glad you liked your Advent Calendar!

    Kitty said to me when she woke this morning - "Mummy, can I open that door thing today?" and I said "Door thing? What door thing?" and then I realised what she meant...."oh, do you mean the Advent Calendar?" and she said "Yes! The Advent Calendar!".
    Funny thing!

  3. I'd have to say that the Advent Calender was one of (if not the) favourite part of my Christmas each year when I was a child and they certainly made my 'heart sing'.

    It was Joy, who each year, would lovingly prepare them for my siblings and I. She would present them in a different way each year. My favourite would have to be a tree branch with 24 parcels attached to its various limbs - how exciting it all was - a present every day leading up to Christmas. What way to build up to a crescendo for the ‘big day’.

    Christmas sure was special around our house. AC's still make my heart sing... thanks to you Morgan - as it is you that has brought them back into my life - you make my heart sing.

    Thanks for your Blog; I look forward to your next instalment.

    Sam x

  4. OMG - are you ME? Everything you've listed also make my heart sing. Very very spooky... isn't it lovely how us crafty, creative women are so linked? Sweet blog.

  5. Yay! Thanks for stopping by smileybella...its lovely to meet a kindrid spirit. Mxo

  6. Hi Morgan, I have just seen your beautiful advent calendar in the Mathilda's Market Christmas Gift Guide. The advent calendar is such a lovely tradition and I love that you have used a quote from The Grinch - would you mind if I posted this idea on our blog? Such a cute literary tie in.

  7. Have you seen the beautiful calendars at the mayther stores. they have put them online at - well worth a look as they have some amazing designs.
