Sunday 1 February 2009


On the week-end when I was setting up this photo I realized that between Sam, Kitty and myself we have 13 pairs of Birkenstocks (baby Milo is yet to get his first pair!). Sam has 4 pairs, Kitty has 2 and that must mean I have 7 pairs! One for everyday of the week!

I think we might have to look at changing our surname to Birkenstock. Morgan, Sam, Kitty & Milo Birkenstock. It does have a certain ring to it! I wonder if Birkenstock would bestow us with as many pairs of shoes as we liked if we did that. I can only dream.

If you haven’t already figured it out – it is not only me that LOVES Birkies in this house it is US! To me they are the most comfortable shoes you can buy. I remember when I saw my first pair though. It was the early nineties and my friend Julien (now my brother-in-law) came back from a trip to Europe sporting some. I was horrified. “What on earth are you wearing on your feet?” I said. I am funny like that – I often poo poo things and then somewhere along the line they become a number one love. A bit like Blogs!


  1. Hey Morg,

    It was only this morning that I had my ‘Rainbow’ stripped ones on, I have a kind of love/hate relationship with them. They looked great with what I was wearing but I felt a little kooky (2 kooky)!

    But they are definitely one of the most comfortable pairs of shoes around.

    I’d agree to changing my name to Birkenstock if they promised a life time supply of fabulous footwear!

    Love Kell oxox

  2. You can never have too many pairs, must admit i have probably about 6 pairs myself. they totally fixed my bad back.
