Tuesday 7 April 2009

Coffee first thing in the morning

As soon as is humanly possible I have a cup of coffee when I get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes if I am lucky enough I have one in bed without having to leave the bed to make it….what a treat!

Since I have had children this is a very rare occasion. Usually – everyone in the house gets fed (including the cats) and then I get to sit down and have one. My husband (god love him) usually makes me a stove top espresso (I only drink real coffee…so no instant in this house!).

When he made me the one above this morning…..I whipped it away for a quick photo before I had a taste. When I eventually got to it – it was deliciously creamy and perfectly made. What a great start to my morning. Thanks love.

On the week-ends we often go out to a local café for breakfast (we are spoilt for choice here in Seddon) and I have noticed that they have all perfected the art of getting your coffee to you straight away before you have ordered your meal……got to love the fact that they know without coffee in your system your brain has trouble functioning enough to read the menu. It’s like a reward for just making it to the café in one piece! Skinny latte with one sugar thanks….ahhhh…..heaven!


  1. Can Sam make me one now ??!!

  2. I love it!! Great blog... we should have a coffee one morning.. I like the sound of "real coffee" .
    We're 2 wks away from launching our site too!! Congrats on your achievements!!
