Thursday 21 May 2009


Last Sunday we had a beautiful Baby Blessing for our son Milo. We held it up in a place called the Dandenong Ranges which is about 1 hour from our house in the city.

We held it there partly because my in-laws (George & Joy) have a beautiful home and garden there where we could host the gathering but also because it is a totally magical place. I think if fairies were going to live anywhere – they would definitely live here.

George & Joy love gardening and hence have half an acre of the most beautiful meandering garden. Dotted all around where we set our stone circle for the blessing were miniature alpine cyclamens – just popping up through the autumn leaves. Absolutely stunning.

When Kitty was born – we were given a beautiful cyclamen plant and every year since, Sam has harvested the little seed pods and nurtured them into a new plant. We now have quite a number of pots of different coloured cyclamen that around this time are just starting to bloom.

Kitty and I believe that as the cyclamen flowers open a tiny cyclamen fairy is born. It is definitely one of my favourite times of year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morg,

    What a beautiful place it was to have Milo’s special day!! The miniature cyclamens were gorgeous, I can’t remember if any of the children picked one for their “Something Beautiful” item in the treasure hunt?? I hope they didn’t disturb the fairies……….. What a sweet ritual for Sam to do with harvesting the seed pods and replanting each season, You are two lucky girls along with many lucky ‘Cyclamen Fairies’. Oxox Kell
