Monday 8 June 2009

Doll Houses

When I was a little girl we had a handyman called ‘Vick’ who used to come to the house to fix things. He would have been in his 70’s and was such a lovely man. While he was there ‘fixing’ he also made me a fantastic pair of stilts – which I absolutely loved, a guinea pig house for ‘Spike’ and a dolls house. It wasn’t a very fancy dolls house. Just four rooms and a pitched roof – but I LOVED it. When I think back though, it wasn’t so much the house that I loved – it was the decorating of the house, particularly the furnishings. Funnily enough as I grew up I studied not only interior design & decoration but also furniture design.

I painted and wallpapered that house and made little chests of drawers and beds from matchboxes, tables and chairs from toothpicks and corks, used scraps of carpet for the floor and raided Mum’s fabric stash for suitable curtain and bedding material. It was so much fun.

When I studied furniture design in particular – one of my favourite aspects was the making of mock ups or scale models of my furniture prototypes. There is something about ‘mini’ furniture that is so cute! Especially the designer classics you can get now. I’d love a mini Arne Jacobsen Egg chair – actually I’d love a big one too!

The photo above is by Canadian artist Heather Benning who transformed an abandoned farmhouse into a life-sized dollhouse. What a cool idea.

Anyway – all this talk of dolls houses is making me want one again. I have seen all these ridiculously expensive modern ones whilst searching for a good photo on Google and I’m all inspired……stay tuned – when I work out which one I want and where I’m going to put it – I’ll let you know!


  1. I'm with you also on that wish list Morgan !!

  2. Funny how the things we love to play with as a child stay with us, sometimes into our careers.

    What an incredible 'real life' dollhouse!! I'd love to take a tour through this...

  3. Great minds think alike!! We just made some as display for a recent market, and now we're refining the pattern ... so we can swap end results. We've got a real dolls house thing going at the moment. Love your blog.
