Wednesday 16 September 2009

Grant Featherston Furniture

Back in the late 90’s I completed a Diploma of Arts in Furniture Design, predominately a hands on course of study – my time was mainly spent in the workshop mastering the use of various tools and honing my design skills. I had done woodwork in High School and had always been attracted to making and restoring furniture….my previous studies and working life in Interior Design meant that this was a natural progression for me.

Whilst studying the History of Furniture Design, I learnt of many amazing 20th century designers that I loved but in terms of admiring our local talent – Featherston completely won me over.

Around the same time – I paid a visit to Coral’s house - one of my Mother’s friends. In her Living room she has an original R160 Armchair and Ottoman and a R152 armchair all upholstered in the original beige vinyl. From the moment I laid eyes on them - I was smitten and have desired them ever since. It is no wonder that they have become an icon of Australian furniture design.

Every time my Mother visits Coral or in fact even mentions her name to me – I can’t help but say….can you ask her if she will sell me those chairs! And then one day not too long ago - Coral sent me an email telling me that “One day our Lord may bless you with them…..” I can only hope…….”Pretty please God….can I have those chairs?”.


  1. Hi Darl

    You do make me smile…… I forwarded your email to Coral. Of course!


  2. I love this line Morgan from Coral !!

    “One day our Lord may bless you with them”

    Kath x

  3. Hi Morgan I am fortunate enough to have a mother who permitted me to beg her for 5 years for her chairs. As a results, some time age she gave them to me. From photos it looks like a Rs161 sofa and two R160 chairs. My mother did reupholster the pieces and I was hoping to get them reupholstered in original type fabric. She said one was green, another blue and another lemon colored when she bought them. Given your passion for the designer I was hoping you could help me determine what the fabrics and colors would have been? ( I live in the USA now)Thanks Jacqui C

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