Thursday 29 April 2010

My husband - Sam

We met when I was 15 – he was 16. Thinking back – I would say it was definitely mutual admiration at first site. Our journeys would take us down many paths – with other relationships and other life lessons to learn. We always knew each other through mutual friends and siblings – our initial friendship and fondness remained, although we weren’t the kind of friends who would catch up independently. I think this is because I pretty well always had a boyfriend!

We met up again at a birthday party when I was in my mid 20’s. We were a little shy of each other – a few years and water under the bridge had flowed and we were both older and wiser for our journeys. Before I left – Sam had the courage to ask if I was single – and as luck has it, I was! Well the rest is history now. We have been together for about 8 years and married for 5.

It’s funny when I look back over the last 20 years since we met. I think if we had got together earlier – our relationship wouldn’t have lasted the distance but because of the life experiences we lived - when the time was finally right – we were both ready. Sam is my very best friend and my darling sweetheart – loved to the moon and back.

Here’s to a long lived and much loved life together. He makes my heart sing everyday and loves me like no other. How blessed am I.

1 comment:

  1. such a lovely post! love love love :o)
    congratulations, its so nice to hear other people's stories!! thanks for sharing

    ~ Samone
