Tuesday 12 October 2010


Sewn to Scale Quilt by Morgan Wills

Recycling or ‘upcycling’ you might say – where one man’s trash becomes my treasure, keeps me very, very busy.

My creative inspirations primarily come from the woollen jumpers and vintage household fabrics that I find in my travels. But what really gets me going – is the colours of these materials. I just love working in monochromatic shades of one colour – or mixing it up with tones of a colour across various hues.

Recently my focus has been somewhat preoccupied with making a quilt. As I look around me – there are certain things that I begin to see in repetition. Sometimes it will be things like Babushka dolls – which seem to be everywhere and on everything and at other times it will be a certain pattern repeat or colour.

The fish scale pattern for months seemed to be jumping out at me – wherever I went. I had and have become somewhat obsessed with it and its manifestations across all number of things, such as placemats and table runners, fabric, scarves and toys.
Green Pockets by Maruja Fuentes

One gorgeous example of the fish scale pattern that I came across - were these little pocket planters – called ‘Green Pockets’. They are interlocking wall tiles’ resembling little porcelain sinks – which you can plant herbs or flowers in. 

Made from recycled materials they were designed by a Puerto Rican designer - Maruja Fuentes and were presented at the Milan Furniture Fair in 2009. I just LOVE them.

I was so inspired by the fish scale pattern - that I decided to use it as a basis to make a quilt.

The result of my efforts is called ‘Sewn to Scale’ and is an observation of the natural world - exploring the repetition of pattern and the harmony of colour often overlooked in our daily life; yet ever present in nature. Made entirely of recycled materials (woollen blanket, jumpers and a vintage sheet which lines the back of each scale) – the result actually reminds me of a Maori cloak in that when I wrap it around myself – it has the same weight and the scales shimmy and flap as do the feathers on the Korowai Maori Cloak.
Detail of Sewn to Scale by Morgan Wills

Detail of Sewn to Scale by Morgan Wills
It was a labour of love – and many nights I was up past midnight – sewing scales. 142 individual scales in total.

When I stand back and look at it now – I can’t quite believe I made it. It’s amazing isn’t it where our creative inspirations come from and how they manifest.

Now back to my recycling……


  1. "Beautiful Morgan! The colours you used are lovely together! I can imagine a skirt like that!

    Putting away lots of jumpers for you at work xo"

  2. That is so, so beautiful! Well done.

  3. That looks so fabulous, I love it!

  4. really, really gorgeous! must have been so much work but so worth it.
