Monday 6 December 2010


Off we go.....8am flight......
Arriving at Finders Keepers in Sydney

On Saturday in the name of ‘living life to the fullest’ – I jumped on a plane (with Mum by my side) to set off on a little day trip adventure to Sydney. The itinerary was pretty simple – straight to Finders Keepers (FK) to visit my crafty pals, check out the amazing local talent and generally have a good old sticky beak at the original FK and its amazing Carriageworks venue. Then off to EXTINCT the Dinosaur Designs outlet store where it is best to book an appointment so you get their FULL VIP attention and then off to have a meander around the old school craft market on Oxford Street – Paddington Market.

Well I certainly wasn’t disappointed – the FK venue was amazing, the crowds meant I had to be a savvy shopper and jostle to get a look in and the general vibe was definitely one of the who’s who in the cool craft world. 

Thankfully unlike my visit to the Melbourne FK – I knew less stallholders so I was able to do a bit more shopping and a bit less talking! You know me – I like a good chinwag and if you get me going – well the whole day just slips away…..

Highlights from FK were meeting up with the lovely Lyndsay from White Pixels (and Made by White & Candy Stripe Cloud) – who is my number one star when it has anything to do with my website and graphics and her equally lovely sister Kelly who designs and makes the sweetest range of plates and products under the name Storybook Rabbit. Another super highlight was meeting the fabulously talented Cat from Cat Rabbit. Her work is AMAZING and wonderfully cool – these 3 girls definitely make my heart sing!

Other highlights from FK was seeing Christina and her stand Made590, the tissue paper workshops, music and general vibe. You could definitely make a day of it at FK with the line-up of music, great food and general atmosphere. Hopefully you will see me as a stall holder at the next Melbourne one in 2011.

Time for us though, was of the essence – so off we went to EXTINCT for a serious spot of shopping. If you are a Dinosaur Designs fan like me – you will be in heaven at this place and I can highly recommend paying a visit there if you are ever in Sydney. Thankfully the two girls on duty in the store were able to pander to my ever changing decisions on what I was actually going to buy! Boy – was it hard…when you see it all piled up like that – you just want a bit of everything. At the end of the day though – I realised that there is only so much jewellery a girl can wear – and I do have a LOT – so in the name of interior decorating I managed to narrow it down to three lovely vessels to adorn the mantle place in the living room. I am still recovering from the fact that I managed to purchase three items all at once from Dinosaur Designs and not just one as would normally be the case!

After all this shopping – a spot of lunch was in order – so into another cab and off to Oxford St it was. The rest of the afternoon was spent meandering around Paddington Market (the original market at which Dinosaur Designs started at) and a few treasures were discovered amongst the mix.

The day was over before we knew it and we were back at the airport and on our way home. Sydney is so easy to get around for a day like this because the airport is so close to all the action and everything is close by to each other…..a little nanna nap on the plane and we were home sweet home.

Lyndsay from Made by White, White Pixels and Candy Stripe Cloud
- the girl of many talents and impeccably good taste
Lyndsay's Apple Shadow box - too cute!

Kelly from Storybook Rabbit
Storybook Rabbit - it was so hard to decide what to buy!

Made590 - love the giant rabbit head

Cat Rabbit selling her amazing creations

Giant tissue paper pom poms
How to make a giant tissue paper pom pom workshop

Mum entering Dinosaur Designs heaven
Dinosaur bangles
More Dinosaur bangles....

Dinosaur bowls

The lovely and ever so helpful Dinosaur girls
FINALLY - my purchase :-)


  1. Bliss! What a day! You might have landed, but I'll bet your feet aren't on the ground just yet...

  2. Thanks Jo :-) Yes it was super fun! I think the next day trip will be to Brisbane.....although I may just have to stay the night to really make the most of it!

  3. Ah yes there was a reason I didn't want to have my photo taken! Lovely to see you Morgan :) xx
