Thursday 20 January 2011

Grow your own

An apple a day...

Well I lived to tell the tale – of the girl who moved with so much stuff it took pretty well 2 weeks solid to pack it and 22 hours straight to move it! Just between you and I….I won’t be doing that again in a hurry – no siree bob. Definitely NOT my idea of how to have a good time….still as this blog is about things that make my heart sing as opposed to those things that don’t – I am going to rejoice in the fact that I now have a much larger garden and the best part of my much larger garden is the fact that I already have some very lovely large wooden boxes with pre-planted goodies (the previous owners bless them asked us what we would like them to plant for us so it would be well on its growing way by the time we moved in).

The garden currently has growing an apple tree, lime tree, lemon tree, plum tree and nashi tree, beetroots, lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, corn, basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley, spring onions, mint, silver beet, blueberries, zucchini, pumpkin and garlic chives.

We have already been eating from the garden and are looking forward to really harvesting some more and enjoying the sowing, nurturing, growing and of course more eating (that is the best bit) that will come with the seasons ahead.

This is a blessing that Kitty said everyday at school before morning tea – I thought it was a nice one to thank the garden for its abundance –

For the golden corn and the apples on the trees
For the golden butter and honey from the bees
The fruits and nuts and berries we find along the way
We praise and thank Mother Earth every day.

And this one before lunch –

Blessings on the blossoms
Blessings on the fruit
Blessings on the leaves and stems
And Blessings on the roots.

Grow forth and prosper!

A pumpkin in the making...

Ear have a cob of corn...

I thought it was a passionfruit..but not sure..

Hey pesky snail...leave my beetroot alone...


  1. Packing - bah humbug! I am trying to sell my house, having bought a new one. We won't move till mid-April but DH decided that we needed to 'declutter' and put as much as possible in storage straight away. I think we have been packing, on and off, since before Christmas. I;m only leaving the next house on a stretcher or in a box :( Good luck with your new home, it sounds idyllic and the memories of packing will fade - in time!

  2. Hi Morg,

    Well your gigantic efforts with the move sound like they’re worth it………..

    What an abundance of goodies it sounds like you have  Daniel said “Aunty Morgan is just like Jamie Oliver!” I had to laugh….But the potential is there between you, Sam and the garden……..

    I remember when we were kids; we would pick & nibble little plums from Nan Monty’s fruit trees, what an afternoon delight!

    I’m sure Kitty and Milo will get as much, if not more joy from your treasure of a garden!!

    I must say I’m a tiny bit jealous………I can’t wait to visit and see your little slice of heaven 

    Ox Kell

  3. "Definitely passionfruit, happy fruiting!"

  4. Congratulations on your new home! I was just having a rather nasty flashback to our move though...never mind, now you're in and it's all fun from now on. Oh, and I agree, that's definitely a passionfruit!

  5. Fantastic ! What lovely past owners you had to do that for you! Wish my fruit were more mature! They're all rather young. Your new place sounds fab.
