Wednesday 23 February 2011

Back to reality

Mum & I celebrating on the opening night of the show!
Well – here I am back home again after a whirlwind week in Sydney exhibiting once more at Life in Style trade fair. One of the best parts of my trip was all the lovely re-orders I have taken from my existing stockists and the overwhelming number of new orders I have taken from new retailers! Boy o boy am I going to be busy!! Still the best bit is that my winter woolly things like the Cast offs scarves, baby blankets and my new giant rainbow throw have all been very well received. Bring on winter I say!

My First in Style showcase!
After a couple of solid days of taking orders – I slipped away and left Mum on the stand whilst I went on a treasure hunting excursion with lovely Allison. What an interesting experience it was to be a shopper at the trade fair instead of a seller! Thank goodness I had Allison with me – who has a fantastic eye and of course lots of experience! On Saturday we spent the whole day at the Home & Giving Fair at the Sydney Showgrounds where we traipsed up and down each aisle – searching for goodies (to much success I might add) and then on Sunday we spent most of the day at the Reed Gift Fair at Darling Harbour. In the end exhausted but happy we got back to Life in Style just in time to finish off orders with exhibitors there and pack up our stands! Now I just can’t wait to get all the goodies that I ordered delivered! The Crafty Squirrel is going to be chock block full of vintage crafty goodness!

Fabulous Team Lark! Dean, Allison and Paul
One of my super favourite bits in relation to getting out and about is of course the opportunity to catch up with all the amazing crafty and clever peeps I meet in my travels. I have massive admiration for all these wonderfully creative people who all have super good taste I might add. How lovely it is to be surrounded by such a supportive and imaginative community. It certainly makes life more interesting!

After all this trade show business – Mum and I took the day off to explore around Newtown before we flew home. Unfortunately because it was Monday a lot of the shops (like Newspaper Taxi) I wanted to go to were closed which was a bummer. Still I got to pop into Made 590 which I have been wanting to visit for ages and was delighted to find that Christina was in and up for a bit of a chat. What a shop! Definitely add to your must go to next time you are in Sydney list – it is fantastic! Also too, a wee spot of vintage haberdashery shopping was done – so I really did feel like it was a super successful trip!

Now I just have to fill all those orders I took!
The gorgeous Belinda from Babushka Baby

The very talented Jarren from Temono

Shabana and her beautiful silver and ceramic jewellery

The lovely Amber from Down to the Woods – giant freckle anyone?

Clever Caitlin from Little Lamb

The talent behind Knuffle Kid – Emma!

Christina – the gorgeous Made 590 Queen!

Made 590 – one of the coolest shops in Sydney

1 comment:

  1. Wow... congratulations on such a successful week! Your wares and display look wonderful. So looking forward to the opening of the shop. I know it will be well worth a drive over from Bendigo :)
