Wednesday 20 April 2011

Out & About

I have been locked away now for quite a number of weeks – in my studio that is! Trying to get my head around how many orders I had to fill for all the retailers who decided that they wanted my Cast offs winter woollies and more for their store. Finally I think I have hit the point where I can see beyond filling those orders and slowly but surely I am able to turn my attention to other matters. First cab off the rank really is my new corner shop - The Crafty Squirrel! The renovations are coming along nicely - very slowly mind you but they are happening!

My lovely husband Sam – has turned his hand at a spot of rendering on the walls and next Thursday the floor people are coming to lay the most gorgeous vintage style red marmoleum! I had thought of laying floorboards but then decided that I would go with something different – I can’t wait to see what it looks like!

Before I can really fully turn my attention on the shop though – I have a couple of markets to attend! Yay for markets! I always love having a stall at markets – catching up with my crafty crew, chatting with customers and generally getting out of my studio!
It’s one thing to make and make and make and entirely another to actually go out and sell all that has been made!

I am very excited also to be making my debut at the Daylesford Makers Market this weekend – this is a market that I have wanted to participate in for ages – so finally my time has come and I will be there on Easter Saturday from 10am to 3pm! The weather is supposed to be quite lovely on Saturday – so do think of going on a drive to the country for a spot of lunch and gorgeous handmade shopping. You can’t go wrong really! If I wasn’t doing the market – this is exactly what I would like to be doing!

Then on Wed I am off to Melbourne for a few days to participate in Magnolia Square at Malvern Town Hall on Thurs 28 April 10am - 9pm, Fri 29 April 10am - 5pm and Sat 30 April 10am - 4pm. I love Mag Sq! I always look forward to catching up with my regular customers and doing a spot of shopping myself! If I can get away from my stall that is! The other thing I really love about Mag Sq is Bloom. About 12 months ago Nic MacIsaac the founder of Magnolia Square and myself came up with the idea for Bloom as a way to showcase emerging designers in a way that lets them take a small step and test the waters so to speak before becoming a fully fledged Magnolia Square retailer. If you are interested in finding out more about Bloom and how you can get involved you can here.

Well that’s about all from me for the moment – I best be off back to the studio to finish off my market preparations. I hope you all have a lovely Easter long week-end and some well earned R&R! I am looking forward to the Easter Bunny paying us a visit – hopefully there will be a dark chocolate egg for me! Yum Yum!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you next week! Have a great Easter, I've started a bit early with some hot cross buns today...

  2. Neighbours!!!! I can't believe this will be your first Daylesford Market, I feel like I'll be your big sister and show you around! reading your post is a beautifully timed reminder that I am not alone in the endless tunnel of Making Things, and speaking of which, better get back to it. see you soon, x

  3. Yay! I am looking forward to catching up with my crafty gal pals! xx

  4. Just visiting today, hope you had a wonderful Easter!
