Thursday 29 July 2010

To market...

The chance to be creative and to work at home doing what I love is very rewarding. There are days when I wouldn’t have it any other way. There are also days when I feel like a factory piece worker – standing or sitting in the one spot for hours at a time – doing the most repetitive of activities. Yes – what I do and make – does end up being special, one off and unique….but the fact that I have to make 200 of a particular thing – which are all special, one off and unique – can be somewhat exhausting, if you know what I mean.

And why am I in a making frenzy do you ask? Well…that is because I am gearing up for a couple of weeks of back to back markets and my first ever foray into wholesale trade shows…..

I absolutely LOVE craft markets. I love having stalls at them and meeting all the lovely people who buy my work, those who stop for a chat about what I make and then tell me about what they make and the amazingly creative stallholders who I meet through running the
Maribyrnong Makers Market and being a stallholder at various markets around Melbourne.

One very special market that I love – is
Magnolia Square which will be the first cab off the rank for me on Thurs 5 to Sat 7 August at the Malvern Town Hall. Having been a retailer at Magnolia Square for the last 3 years and I would have to say – without a doubt that it always has the most beautifully presented stalls and products of any market I go to – an absolute must to visit! Hats off to founder Nic MacIsaac for dreaming up and running such a fabulous event.

Then on Sunday 8 August (no rest for the wicked they say….) – I have been invited by Craft Victoria to participate in their very special pop up
Craft Hatch market which will be held in the Atrium at Federation Square in Melbourne. I am really looking forward to this as there are some super talented fellow stallholders I am keen to meet – in particular Handmade Romance and The Craft Revival and also to catch up with the lovely Andrea from Odds & Ends Handmade (I have one of her gorgeous knitted cactus on my kitchen window sill) and Susan from Spin Spin to name a few.

Then on Monday – I bump in for
Life in Style (which runs from Tues 10 to Fri 13 August). LIS is a wholesale trade fair just for retailers – who come from all over Australia to source the best mix of beautiful designer brands sourced from a diverse range of companies featuring homewares, giftware, lifestyle and kids products. Bring it on I say!
So – wish me well…visit me if you like and if you’re wondering where I’ll be on Sat 14 August – I’ll be putting my feet up for a day, on the couch, with my very supportive husband and very patient children (well most of the time) for a good family movie and some well earned r&r. X 


  1. Oh Morgan, I think all of us craftspeople out here collectively just nodded emphatically! Sometimes it just gets a bit crazy, just as well we love it!
    Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  2. Awh shucks Morgan. Thanks for giving me a little 'ol mention. I'm pretty excited to be doing Craft Hatch as part of the Craft Cubed program. I actually feel a little priveledged to be honest. But I know what you mean... just like you I'm working like a crazy woman to pump out lots of unique handmade lovelies in time. Thankfully I only have Craft Hatch in the next month and not anymore. Working fulltime as well as being a mum as well as being a wife as well as making and then selling my crafty wares can take its toll. Look forward to seeing you in the Atrium!

  3. good luck at Life In style - Im sure it will be a huge success! x

  4. Thanks guy's :-) Its so lovely to have supportive crafty friends who understand!! x

  5. wow you are super busy with all of these markets! congratulations. i know how much work it took to do craft hatch while working full time so for you achieving all of this must be exhausting. heres to the well earned r&r on the 14th!! : )
    thank you for your sweet mention too. it was so lovely to meet you yesterday. i will be at life instyle at some point for work too so i look forward to saying hi. all the best.
    x evie
