Sunday 22 August 2010

Time to start sewing!

Larger than life Mumma & Baby Bushkas at Life in Style
Well – I lived to tell the tale……there’s nothing quite like selling the fruits of your labour to keep you honest – that much is for sure! Thank goodness for Mum (aren’t Mum’s the best) who was there along the way to help me through and will be my saving grace when it comes to helping me sew all the orders I have received for the Mumma & Baby Bushkas – far out is all I can say!

So – by now I’m sure you have guessed that my back to back markets and my first foray into the wholesale trade fair world was a huge success and I have navigated my way through pretty well considering the many things I was juggling all at once.

Thanks to all my lovely customers and to the new retailers who have chosen to stock my work and who are happy to wait just a little bit for me to get all the orders together… least everyone will have their goodies well before Christmas! CHRISTMAS! Who’s already started talking about Christmas! Oh dear!
My display at First in Style at Life in Style - Melbourne 2010
Anyway – all this talk about what I have to make before Christmas makes me think about my crazy studio – which is supposed to be all located in a quite sizeable space out the back of our house….but no….my penchant for collecting and my ridiculous accumulation of fabrics and craft materials a girl could ever hope for (I could open a shop I think) – means that my studio and its lovely contents has spilled somewhat into our house too and now our dining room plays host as a second studio.

So…all this talk of studios and materials and lack of space and overwhelming orders is actually bringing me too what I essentially am trying to tell you about……I am having a SALE! It’s that time of year and I have decided that a studio spring clean is in order! So – if you want to pick yourself up a bargain – then pop down to visit me at my annual sale on Saturday 11 September at the Maribyrnong Makers Market.

I will have a number of discontinued products, seconds and samples all at rock bottom sale prices and quite a number of bargains to be had! I look forward to seeing you there!

Nesting Baby Bushkas at Magnolia Square

Bushka hairclips, Vintage Golden Gift tags and ceramic rainbow beads

Mumma & Baby Bushkas - hanging out at Magnolia Square

Craft Hatch Market at Federation Square


  1. These look fabulous. I came over here to check out an old post you did on cubby houses and I really like your blog so much. I've been moseying around really enjoying myself. x

  2. Thanks Maxabella :-) Feel free to stop by anytime! Mxo
